The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology conducted a questionnaire survey of universities, junior colleges and private companies with the aim of grasping the status of job hunting and recruitment activities in 2017 and contributing to the consideration of smooth implementation of job hunting and recruitment activities in the future. We conducted the survey and published the survey results (preliminary version).

 調査によると、『2015年度~2017年度卒業・修了(予定)者は、広報活動開始時期が3月1日以降となり、全体として就職・採用活動の後ろ倒しが続いていること』について、大学側の良い点としては「学生が学部3年次の後期試験に落ち着いて取り組めるようになった(35.8%)」「学部3年次の後期授業への出席 (32.9%)」「卒業・修了前年度までの、学生のインターンシップの参加促進 (32.9%)」、「卒業・修了前年度までの、学生の授業やゼミの学修時間の確保 (32.1%)」が挙がった。2016年度と比べるといずれの項目も良い影響との回答割合が高くなった。
On the other hand, the most common issues were "There was a company that started practical selection activities at an early stage, which caused confusion in the job hunting activities of students (46.5%)." (45.9%) "" There were students who could not secure enough time for corporate research (40.3%) ".

 Regarding "harassment-like acts in job hunting and recruitment activities," 40.1% answered that they had "consulted with a university, etc."The most frequently asked questions were "I was asked to submit a letter of consent for a job offer at the stage of a job offer (81.0%)", followed by "I was forced to stop job hunting for other companies instead of issuing a job offer" (65.1%). )was.

 We are also conducting a survey on the company side, and when asked about the good points and issues of "the start time of job hunting and recruitment activities was set at the same time as 2016", the good point is "preparation and planning for hiring". It became easier to set up (44%), but 2% of the companies answered that there was nothing in particular.
The most common issue was "There were companies that did not comply with the start time and started recruitment selection activities early (41.1%)", followed by "Students lacking in industry research and company research". “The number of students who declined the unofficial decision increased” was both 31.9%.

 In addition, 56.0% of companies "emphasize a lot" or "emphasize to some extent" about "whether academic achievement (results, course history, etc.) is emphasized in recruitment selection activities", "study during interviews" As for "Did you ask a question based on the documents showing the results?", 61.2% of the companies answered "Ask a question".
Regarding "recruitment of people who have studied abroad (Japanese students who have studied abroad)", only 14.2% said "I want to actively hire people who have studied abroad", and 72.5% of companies said "When hiring" We do not consider whether or not you have studied abroad. "When hiring, it seems that there is a tendency to prioritize academic achievement over study abroad experience.

 The survey targets a total of 1,115 national, public and private universities and junior colleges (valid responses: 1,037), and 2,500 companies nationwide (1,034).

Reference: [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology]29 Survey on Employment and Recruitment Activities (Universities, etc.) Survey Results Report> Survey Results Report (Breaking News Version / Overview) (PDF)
29 Survey on Employment and Recruitment (Companies) Survey Results Report> Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Survey Results Report (flash version / summary) (PDF)

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