Mizuho Mishima, a 4th year student of the Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kio University (scheduled to graduate in March 2023) and a member of Shu Morioka's seminar, is a graduate researcher. In collaboration with Associate Professor Onbun of the Research Center, he conducted research on "a sense of agency at the sensorimotor level," and the results were published in the international journal "Behavioral Sciences."This is the first time in the history of the physical therapy department that an international journal has been published while in school.

 ``Action/sense of agency'' is the subjective sense and consciousness of control that ``causes or produces a certain movement or event.''Neurological disorders, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, etc. can lead to a decrease or loss of sense of agency, leading to discomfort in one's own actions, but it is unclear whether this state will continue robustly due to the aftereffects. rice field.Therefore, the research team analyzed changes in the sense of agency and clarified that the sense of agency does not change in a short period of time.

 Ms. Mishima chose "action/sense of agency" as her theme when she heard from a stroke patient when she was a junior high school student about changes in her subjective awareness of how she feels about her own body.In high school, she became interested in the Neurorehabilitation Research Center and enrolled at Kio University. She learned about ``action/sense of agency (the subjective consciousness that oneself is the result of actions that occur in everyday life)'' and set it as her research theme, starting with a search of her previous research. .

 He says that the most difficult part of this effort was collecting data rather than thinking about it, because he used experimental psychology techniques and had a large number of trials.After this research, Mishima decided to find a job at a facility that can consistently diagnose cerebrovascular disease, mainly from the hyperacute stage to the life stage. She says, "I will never forget the importance of continuing to collect data, which I learned from Professor Morioka, even after I enter the clinical field, and I want to make use of what I have learned in classes and seminars."

 According to Professor Morioka of the Department of Physical Therapy, Mishima and other current fourth-year students were able to hold seminars face-to-face while most of their classes were online due to the coronavirus pandemic.As for Mr. Mishima, in the process of attending seminars, I realized that he was not able to demonstrate his abilities due to his reserved personality, and I supported him in choosing this difficult theme.

 Professor Morioka commented on this remarkable achievement, saying, "By cooperating with my seminar colleagues, I was able to train myself to express myself. I believe that this has given me confidence.I hope that Dr. Mishima will continue to think about this theme while conducting clinical trials and produce results that will contribute to society.” there is

Reference: [Kio University] [The first achievement of the department of physical therapy!] Research results of 4th year students published in international journals! ~Interview with Mizuho Mishima

Kio University

Achieved a 17% employment decision rate for all graduates over 99.2 years.A university that emphasizes practical studies to develop specialists in health and education

Kio University is a university that emphasizes practical science and trains professionals in the fields of health and education, such as physical therapists, nurses, midwives, registered dietitians, architects, elementary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, school nurses, and childcare workers. .The employment decision rate for all graduates over the 17 years since the university opened was 99.2%*, and it has been evaluated as a ``university that is strong in employment.''

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