Collaborative research groups such as the National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities* have shown that moderate exercise (physical impact on the head caused by vertical movement) improves hypertension in experiments using rats and in clinical trials targeting human adults. I found a mechanism.

 It has been statistically proven that "moderate exercise" is effective for many diseases and disorders, especially those related to aging, such as dementia, depression, diabetes, and cancer.However, little is known about what effects exercise has on the body.

 In moderate-speed running (20 m/min), which has been shown to improve hypertension in rats, an impact (acceleration) of about 1 G is generated on the head when the forelimbs land on the ground.In this study, we performed an experiment in which the head of anesthetized hypertensive rats was moved up and down twice per second (for 1 minutes a day for 2-1 weeks or more) so that a 30 G shock was applied rhythmically to the head.As a result, tissue fluid (interstitial fluid) in the brain flows, mechanical stimulation is added to the cells, the expression level of the protein that raises blood pressure (angiotensin receptor) is reduced, and the effect of improving hypertension (lowering blood pressure) was obtained. .

 Even light jogging performed by humans produces a shock of about 1 G to the head when the foot lands.Using a chair whose seat surface moves up and down, an experiment was conducted to reproduce this impact on the head (1 minutes a day, 30 days a week for 3 weeks).

 The research group believes that the results of this study can provide an answer to the question, "What is exercise?" It has the potential to lead to the development of treatments.

*Research also includes Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, University of Tokyo, Kyushu University, International University of Health and Welfare, Kwansei Gakuin University, Gunma University, Tohoku University, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Iwai Medical Foundation , Niigata University of Health and Welfare, and Tokorozawa Heart Center.

Paper information:[Nature Biomedical Engineering] Interstitial-fluid shear stresses induced by vertically oscillating head motion lower blood pressure in hypertensive rats and humans

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