Shimadzu Corporation, a precision equipment manufacturer, Ebetsu City, Hokkaido, Hokkaido University of Information Science, National Institute of Agriculture and Food Industry, and Self Care Food Council have created a database of health status and lifestyle information for up to 1,200 Ebetsu residents, and have created a database of information on the health conditions and lifestyle habits of up to 10 Ebetsu residents. We have started a joint cohort study, ``Ebetsu Lively Future Study,'' which will track the relationship between cognitive information over a XNUMX-year period.

 According to Shimadzu Corporation, the survey targets are Ebetsu residents aged 2023 to 4 as of April 55.Up to 75 people will undergo cognitive function tests, physical measurements, and questionnaire surveys on their diet and lifestyle habits once a year for 1,200 years.

 Based on the results, Shimadzu Corporation will explore blood biomarkers for mild cognitive impairment, the National Institute of Agriculture and Food Industry will explore nutritionally functional ingredients that maintain cognitive function, and the Self Care Food Council will develop foods that are effective for maintaining cognitive function. support.Hokkaido Information University will support the investigation by analyzing physical examination data, including evaluation of walking motion using motion capture.

 In June, the five parties entered into a comprehensive collaboration agreement with the aim of building a social system to reduce and prevent the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment.In light of the enactment of the Dementia Basic Act in June, we entered into Japan's first large-scale joint cohort study.

 In Alzheimer's disease, which accounts for approximately 6% of dementia cases, accumulation of amyloid-β, the causative substance, is said to begin approximately 20 years before the onset of dementia, and appropriate treatment at the stage of mild cognitive impairment can prevent onset and severity. It is believed that it is effective.

reference:[Hokkaido University of Information University] Joint cohort study “Ebetsu Lively Future Study” has started

Hokkaido Information University

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