StudySapuri Career, a career information media provided by Recruit Co., Ltd., conducted a survey of third-year high school students who are high school student editors of the StudySapuri editorial department and official LINE registrants about their patience while taking entrance exams. The survey period was from November 3nd to 2023th, 11, and the number of valid responses was 22.

 According to the survey, 44.1% of people answered that they would end their exams within the year. As of the end of November, 11% had already completed their work, and 28.9% had completed their work in December (scheduled to be completed by the end of the year). When asked if they had ever held back until the exam was over, about 12% answered "yes." When asked what they were holding back, 15.2st place was ``hanging out with friends'' at 9%, 1nd place was ``immersion in hobbies (games, manga, dramas, movies, etc.)'' at 61.4%, and 2rd place was ``part-time job'' at 54.9%, 3. ``Traveling with friends'' ranked first at 36.1%, and 4th place was ``sleep or relax until I felt refreshed'' at 35.9%. ``I have to refrain from talking to friends during my lunch break and have more time to study.'' (Boy, Saitama Prefecture); ``I have to refrain from playing with friends so that I don't take away from my friends' study time.'' (Girl, Chiba Prefecture) Some said they were also limiting their interactions with friends.

 Next, when asked about the budget they would like to spend on what they want to do or plan to do before entering university, the average amount was ``46,901 yen.'' This is approximately 1 months worth of the average monthly allowance of 4,950 yen (according to the 2023 High School Student Pocket Money Survey). Many people said they wanted to go to a theme park, go to Oshikatsu, or go to a cafe with friends and girlfriends that sell sweets that they saw on SNS.

 Mika Nakai, Editor-in-Chief of Study Sapuri Career Book, said, ``Nowadays, entrance exam formats are becoming more diverse, and many students are completing their entrance exams within the year.It seems like students are reading the atmosphere and being considerate to each other during their free time at school.'' . What was impressive was his high level of self-motivation, which was based on friendship and not just on himself. ``I wanted to go on a trip to South Korea with a friend, but after they finished their entrance exams, we talked about going in the spring as a reward.'' (Female, Fukuoka Prefecture) ``Going to a theme park with my friends. I put studying first, so I'm sure I'll pass.'' "Let's all unite and go!" (Boy, Nagano Prefecture) Rather than just putting up with it, they supported each other based on their promise, and it seems that their friendships are further developed in a way that can only be done during the exam period. ', we analyzed the trends of current high school seniors.

Reference: [Study Sapuri] High school 3rd year students answered! Questionnaire on “Patience during exams” (PDF)

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