In collaboration with Keio University and Hiroshima University, a research group led by Assistant Professor Naoko Kida of Kansai Medical University discovered that the tobacco component causes a hypoxic state in the endometrium and expresses cell death-related genes.

 A harmonious interaction of ovarian function, embryo, and endometrium is required for the establishment of pregnancy.The adverse effects of smoking on pregnancy have been studied for embryos and ovaries, but there are few reports on the effects on the endometrium.In the menstrual cycle, endometrial proliferation and differentiation, that is, angiogenesis and dedecidua, play an important role.Therefore, the research team investigated the effects of smoking on the function of human endometrial angiogenesis and dedecidua.

 The research team added tobacco extract to human endometrial stromal cells and immortalized human endometrial stromal cells that had been isolated and cultured by a unique method.For dedecidua, estradiol and medroxyprogesterone acetate were added and cultured for 12 days.

 As a result, hypoxia-inducing factor HIF-1 (transcription factor activated during intracellular hypoxia) is activated even at normal oxygen concentration in endometrial stromal cells to which tobacco components have been added. I found that.It was also found that more gene clusters related to cell death were expressed when the tobacco component was added, as compared with the case where the tobacco component was placed in a hypoxic state.With regard to deceding, when the concentration of the tobacco component was low, the decavitation was promoted, and when the concentration was high, it was suppressed, showing different effects depending on the concentration.

 The significance of this study is that it has scientifically elucidated the adverse effects of smoking on pregnancy and childbirth, which have been known empirically.Further elucidation of the action of the HIF gene on the human endometrium is expected to lead to the elucidation of the mechanism of implantation disorders and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

Paper information:[Antioxidants] Cigarette Smoke Extract Activates Hypoxia-Inducible Factors in aReactive Oxygen Species-Dependent Manner in Stroma Cells from Human Endometrium
[Reproductive medicine and biology] Exposure to cigarette smoke affects endometrial maturation including angiogenesis and decidualization

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Hiroshima University

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