Background and aim of starting "Liberal Arts Seminar"

In recent years, many universities have provided detailed support for new students, such as first-year education, introductory education, or self-school education, in response to rising university enrollment rates and changes in student quality.In addition, while focusing on career education including employment guidance, re-evaluation of liberal arts education is progressing against the background of extreme fragmentation of academics and research and progress of globalization.However, except for career education, most of them are for first and second graders, and most of them are lecture-style.

In that respect, in the "Liberal Arts Inquiry Seminar", students can look back on the four years and see again whether they have the power to acquire at university or whether they have fully honed their specialty.Students who have decided to get a job can be prepared to go out into society, and students who work on a bachelor thesis can be motivated to realize the significance of improving their expertise.Also, in an aging society, it is necessary to continue learning for the rest of your life, and I think that learning in the "Liberal Arts Seminar" will be the starting point and starting point for that.

In the first place, at the university, as the grade progresses to the third and fourth years, the interaction with colleagues who have advanced to other specialties, faculties, and departments tends to decrease except for club activities and circles.However, in this cross-departmental seminar, you can exchange opinions with colleagues who have different perspectives on a common theme, so you can develop the ability to think broadly and comprehensively without falling into self-centeredness.

In the final part of the seminar, I will look back on my alma mater (Alma Mater: "mother of learning") in Latin and what I have gained there. Have them grow up.

Since last year, faculty members of the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, who agree with the purpose, have been working on the "Liberal Arts Exploration Seminar" in a unique way, making the best use of their specialties and characteristics. I hope that the idea that "if there is a beginning, there should be a conclusion" will spread throughout the university.


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Chukyo University

Fostering human resources with a wide range of education, deep knowledge, and practical skills who can play an active role in the international community

One of the leading comprehensive universities in Japan with 10 faculties and 20 departments.We are promoting the improvement of educational and research capabilities, social cooperation, internationalization, and strengthening of graduate cooperation.A lithe intellectual who can think and act on his own, build a further hall of fame for academics and sports, and acquire the ability, practical ability, and rich humanity to play an active role in the real world […]

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