List of articles of Teikyo University

Teikyo University to select scholarship students with full exemption from entrance fees and tuition fees for up to four years New examinations to be held at 4 test sites nationwide in December 2024

 Teikyo University will be offering a "student scholarship" program that will waive all entrance fees, tuition fees, facility and equipment fees, and laboratory and practical training fees for up to four years, starting with the 2025 entrance exam.

Teikyo University Faculty of Science and Engineering plans to establish Department of Data Science (tentative name) on Itabashi Campus from April 2025

 Teikyo University will revamp the departments of the Faculty of Science and Engineering in April 2025, and the Department of Data Science (tentative name) and the Department of Data Science (tentative name) will be located on the Itabashi Campus (Itabashi-ku, Tokyo), Uto […]

Tokyo selects 10 universities to participate in university startup creation support project

 Tokyo capitalizes on the strength of Tokyo, which is a hub of knowledge and is home to a large number of universities, and aims to create a university-based start-up business aimed at commercializing excellent research seeds and ideas.

New yeast found in koala perch Teikyo University Medical Mycology Research Center

 Doctor Guo Yu of the Graduate School of Medicine, Teikyo University, Assistant Professor Areshakhni Muhammad Mahdi of the Medical Mycology Research Center of the same university, and the same […]

The University of Tokyo and Teikyo University Conclude Comprehensive Agreement to Promote Collaboration and Cooperation in Research

 On March 2023, 3, the University of Tokyo and Teikyo University signed a comprehensive agreement to promote research collaboration and cooperation between the two universities.

Teikyo University presents the activities of the "Co-Reading Library", a reading promotion project by students, at the general library exhibition

 Teikyo University exhibited at the 24th Library Exhibition. During the exhibition period until November 11 (Wednesday), students will lead the activities of their own “co-reading library” […]

Monitoring patient health and side effects of medicines with LINE, revealing usefulness Keio University

 Keio University and Teikyo University groups use LINE, an SNS tool, to collect information on patient health and side effects of drugs. […]

Promote university branding with apparel Participation in "COLLEGE MARKET" at Teikyo University

 Amadana Sports Entertainment Co., Ltd., which designs DtoC (Direct-to-Consumer) for sports business […]

Rikkyo University and Teikyo University investigate that increased unemployment rate of Corona is related to suicide rate

 The increase in the unemployment rate that occurred in April-June 2020, when the corona disaster began, is related to the increase in the suicide rate in July-September, according to the Faculty of Economics, Rikkyo University […]

Boxer's brain, strengthening motor circuit before the game Gunma University, etc. discovered

 Gunma University, Teikyo University, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Higashi […]