Aichi University of Education article list
Eight national universities in four Tokai prefectures collaborate to form new organization to strengthen international competitiveness
Seven national university corporations and eight national universities in the four prefectures of Aichi, Shizuoka, Gifu, and Mie have established a new collaborative organization, the “Tokai Region National University Collaboration Platform” […]
Teacher training National university teacher employment rate, top is Naruto University of Education 92.1%
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) announced in March 2017 that those who graduated from the national teacher training university / undergraduate teacher training course and those who completed the teaching profession graduate school in 3 […]
Development of teacher ability by theatrical method Hokkaido Kyoiku University publishes a book
Hokkaido […] in the "HATO Project", a collaborative project between Hokkaido Kyoiku University, Aichi University of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, and Osaka Kyoiku University.
More than 8% of teachers "I enjoy my current job", while the average working time is about 11 hours
The "HATO / Teacher Attractiveness Project" consisting of Aichi University of Education, Hokkaido Kyoiku University, etc. is the actual situation of teachers' work for teachers nationwide […]