List of articles by Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Investigating the "vicious cycle to extinction" created by nature reserves Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

 Munemitsu Akasaka, a lecturer at the Department of Natural Environment Conservation, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and others used 1572 species of endangered plants in Japan to make a nature conservation area effective […]

Elucidation of the onset mechanism of malignant brain tumor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, etc.

 The research group of Assistant Professor Keiichi Izumikawa and Professor Nobuhiro Takahashi of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and Professor Toshiaki Isobe of Tokyo Metropolitan University is involved in RNA metabolism abnormalities C […]

Developed a resin with excellent heat resistance from the enzyme that makes "plaque" The University of Tokyo and others

 Research groups at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and Kyoto University have succeeded in developing a resin that is environmentally friendly and has excellent heat resistance from the enzyme of worm tooth fungus […].

S-rated by University of Tsukuba, interim summary of university's global expansion capability strengthening project

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science gave an interim evaluation of the university's global expansion capability enhancement project adopted in 2013, and the University of Tsukuba's "Challenge to Global Challenges across ASEAN […]"

Announcement of Winners of the 2016 Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced that it has decided on the recipients of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award in the field of science and technology in 2016. On April 2016, 4, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology […]

Juntendo University has the largest number of papers, and Waseda University has the largest number of attentions.

 When the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy examined the number of papers by domestic university and the number of papers that attracted attention, Juntendo University, the number of papers with high attention […]

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Identification of substances involved in cancer metastasis

 Professor Chisato Miyaura of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology found that prostaglandin E (PGE), a substance that causes inflammation, is involved in cancer metastasis […]

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Road to the development of new powerful magnets

 Akiho Yamamoto, a specially appointed associate professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, has succeeded in making a powerful magnet from a superconductor containing iron.Medical field and energy field, […]

Development of "super-realistic telework system" with innovative 3D images such as Kyoto University

Kyoto University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Rissho University, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, President Hideichi Kawasaki), NEC (Tokyo, President Nobuhiro Endo), […]
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