The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science gave an interim evaluation of the university's global expansion capability enhancement project adopted in 2013, and gave the highest S rank evaluation to the "ASEAN Cross-Asia Global Challenge Challenge Education Program" of the University of Tsukuba.The other 6 projects are given a standard A rank rating.

 According to the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the projects to strengthen the global expansion capabilities of universities adopted in 2013 include Tsukuba University, "Japan-Thailand Veterinary Education Collaboration" of 3 universities including Hokkaido University, and 3 universities such as Tokyo Agricultural and Industrial University. "Human resource development from ASEAN, responsible for environmentally friendly food supply," Hiroshima University's "Core Human Resources Education Program that Contributes to Peacebuilding in Asia," and Sophia University's "Academic-Integrated Human Development Aiming for Harmony of Diversity." "Education Program", "Multilingual and Multicultural Coexistence Program" of Waseda University, and "Innovator Development Program by International PBL" of Ritsumeikan University have been selected and put into practice.

 After scrutinizing the progress of the projects, it was judged that all seven projects were proceeding as originally planned, and none of them was regarded as a problem.Of these, the University of Tsukuba's business was judged as S, saying that "it is expected that the business objectives will be achieved with excellent efforts."

 From the start of the project to the end of 2014, the number of students who interacted in the seven projects was 7 foreign students accepted and 133 Japanese students dispatched. In 164, 2014 courses and 19 courses were opened in English, which is close to the initial target.

reference:[Japan Society for the Promotion of Science] Interim evaluation results of the university's global expansion capability enhancement project (adopted in XNUMX)

University of Tsukuba

Continue to challenge interdisciplinary fusion and internationalization, and develop human resources with intelligence and humanity

University of Tsukuba is the core of Tsukuba Science City, an international city with a high academic and cultural scent.The current education system is 9 groups, 23 classes, and it is possible to take specialized introductory courses from all fields, aiming to have creative intelligence and rich humanity.Solving global issues with soul genius […]

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Working to build a sustainable society based on science for the future

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Hokkaido University

Strong cooperation with industry and regions "Practical science unique to Hokkaido University" leads the world

The origin of Hokkaido University dates back to Sapporo Agricultural College, which was established in 1876.Throughout its long history, we have cultivated the basic principles of "frontier spirit," "cultivating internationality," "education for all," and "emphasis on practical studies."Based on this philosophy, he has a high level of academic background that is internationally accepted, and has accurate judgment and a leader […].

Hiroshima University

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Sophia University

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Waseda University

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Ritsumeikan University

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