Nagasaki University Article List

Experiments conducted by the University of Tokyo and Nagasaki University show that feeding pufferfish with pufferfish poison changes their intestinal flora

 A research group from the University of Tokyo and its Graduate School and Nagasaki University Graduate School tested tetrodotoxin (TETO) in artificially hatched and bred non-poisonous tiger pufferfish fry.

Puppies are the main source of rabies infection in humans: Oita University and Nagasaki University

 Professor Akira Nishizono of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University and the Glocal Infectious Disease Research Center, and visiting professor of the same center, Dr. Akira Nishizono of Nagasaki University's Tropical Medicine […]

Nagasaki University supports Work-Life Balance Company's ``100% male childcare leave declaration'' and conducts male childcare leave training for fathers' classes and managers on campus

 Nagasaki University is a partner of Work-Life Balance Co., Ltd., which has provided work style reform consulting to over 2006 companies since its establishment in 3,000.

Elucidation of sweat gland contraction mechanism during sweating and discovery of new antiperspirant ingredients Osaka University, etc.

 A research group from Osaka University Graduate School, Nagasaki University Graduate School, and Osaka Public University Graduate School has investigated the mechanism by which sweat glands contract when humans sweat.

Cabinet Office's Regional Core Innovation Project selects 10 schools, including Ritsumeikan University

 The university, which is the core of the region, will demonstrate its strengths with its unique vision and promote activities that contribute to the local community, while increasing investment from the region and […]

Nagasaki University becomes the first national university to introduce BizReach Campus after using it for individual departments

At Nagasaki University, where about 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students study, students can independently think about their career and lifestyle after graduation.

Analysis of the relationship between the issuance of an emergency declaration in the new corona and the amount of physical activity in the elderly, Nagasaki University, etc.

 A joint research group of Nagasaki University, Tohoku University, and the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology has declared a state of emergency due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection […]

Elucidation of differences in prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in Japan, China, and South Korea

 A group of researchers from Waseda University, Kyushu University, Nagasaki University, etc. […]

11 National Universities in Kyushu/Okinawa form ``Kyushu-Okinawa Open University''

 11 national universities in the Kyushu and Okinawa regions, including Kyushu University, exchanged a memorandum of understanding for collaboration to improve research capabilities.The declining research capacity of Japan is a big problem […]

Deep-sea beetles provide six years' worth of energy in one meal

 Associate Professor Mitsuharu Yagi of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University and Nagasaki University have found that a single meal of the giant beetle, which lives in the deep sea, can consume six years' worth of energy […]
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