Eikei University Article List

Eikei University reports results of first-year intensive English program "IEP"

 At Eikei University, from the 1rd semester of the 3st year onwards, students will be able to take classes such as liberal arts subjects in English.

Eikei University and Prefectural University of Hiroshima Graduate School of Business Administration hold a three-way collaborative class with Stanford University SPICE

 From March 2022, Eikei University has started Stanford University SPICE * (Stanford University International Mutual Cultural Education Program) and Prefectural Hiroshima […]

Eikei University accepts additional 4th "TOEFL ITP® Test" Application is until 8/25

 Eikei University, which was opened in April 2021 by a public university corporation in Hiroshima Prefecture, is a "TOEFL ITPⓇ […]" for 4 applicants.

Eikei University, PBL makes social contribution bags using the remaining cloth of school uniforms

 Eikei University, which will open in Hiroshima in April 2021, will practice problem-solving so that students can work on real-world problems in collaboration with companies. […]

"Eikei University" to open in April 2021 University admission common test is not used

 Prefectural University of Hiroshima, a public university corporation, applied to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on October 2020, 10 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on October 23, 2019. […]

Eikei University (tentative name), information session live distribution from 13:30 today

 Eikei University (tentative name: scheduled to open in Naka-ku, Hiroshima City in April 2021) is scheduled to attend the venue in view of the status of new coronavirus infection in Japan […]

Hiroshima Prefectural New University "Eikei University" to open in April 2021

 The name of the new prefectural university that Hiroshima Prefecture and others are aiming to open in April 2021 has been decided as "Eikei University".Social system de […]