Osaka University held a kick-off symposium of the "Higher Co-creation Research Institute", an organization for hiring and training young researchers, which was established in December 2016 at the Co-Creative Innovation Building on the Suita Campus, which straddles Suita City and Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture.

 According to Osaka University, about 100 people from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, private companies, and the university attended the symposium.After the opening remarks by Shojiro Nishio, President of the Institute for Advanced Co-creation, Gota Murase, Director of Technology Transfer Promotion Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Katsumi Kawahara, Deputy Director of Daikin Industrial Innovation Center, and other guests gave congratulatory speeches.Next, Yasushi Yagi, Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Co-creation, gave an overview of the Institute for Advanced Co-creation, and four specially appointed faculty members presented their research.

 The Institute for Advanced Co-creation was established based on the idea of ​​"open research", which is one of the five pillars in the vision for 3, which is the final year of the 2021rd medium-term target period.The purpose is to hire and train young researchers who have advanced research management ability and high ethical standards and who are advancing the world's highest level of research.Donations received from companies and various organizations such as the Osaka University Microbial Disease Research Association are used as employment expenses for young researchers, and it is expected that the research activities of Osaka University will be further developed.

Osaka University

The "true value" of each person becomes the "evolution" of Osaka University.To a university that lives in the community and extends to the world

Osaka University is a research-based university with 11 faculties and 23 departments. Since its founding in 1931, with the motto of "living in the region and extending to the world," we have created an outstanding "foundation" and "power" that weaves advanced education and research capabilities, the harmony of faculty and staff, and the weight of tradition and the advantage of Osaka. I have.Taking advantage of these excellent potentials […]

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