List of articles of International University of Health and Welfare
Which universities are considered to be "making great strides"? We investigated how many consecutive years they have established new departments, reorganized, or relocated campuses.
The general selection early exams for private universities have been held, and the final number of applications has been announced. The number of applicants for the general selection is coming in early for top universities.
Hokkaido University and others succeed in developing the world's first ventilator care XR simulator
A research group led by Assistant Professor Kiyo Cory of the Graduate School of Health Sciences at Hokkaido University has developed an artificial ventilator that can train endotracheal suctioning while the patient is on a ventilator.
Online psychiatric consultation is as effective as face-to-face treatment, proven by Keio University, etc.
Keio University, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, and Kobe University have confirmed that online psychiatric consultation has the same therapeutic effect as face-to-face consultation.
Developed a Japanese version of the scale to evaluate nursing managers' leadership toward EBP implementation
EBP (evidence-based practice) refers to the patient's condition and situation, preferences and behavior, […]
Joint research with Kyushu University linked to social anxiety disorder as a cause of school refusal among middle school and high school students
26% of junior high and high school students who come to Kyushu University Hospital in Fukuoka City with stuttering disorder are not attending school, and one of the reasons for this is social anxiety disorder […]
Elucidation of the mechanism by which head movements improve hypertension
Collaborative research groups such as the National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities* have conducted experiments using rats and clinical trials targeting human adults […]
Intracerebral mechanism that moves both eyes in different directions to align the displacement of both eyes
Humans move their eyes in coordination with each other in order to stabilize their vision and obtain a three-dimensional effect.However, aligning both eyes, such as strabismus […]
Discover a new test method for food allergies using urine that is safe, secure and accurate
The group of Director Yukihiro Oya of the National Center for Child Health and Development Allergy Center and Associate Professor Yukihisa Murata of the University of Tokyo Graduate School is a food array […]
Improvement of rubella vaccination rate, government PR is important, University of Tsukuba survey
Ai Hori, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, and Koji Wada, Professor of Graduate School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare, have been vaccinated against eczema for adult men […]
Support from companies and foundations One after another, the fund for establishing an infectious disease control team has started to be subsidized.
Professor Takeshi Kosaka of Tohoku University and a team of experts on measures against new coronavirus infections have "new corona […]" to subsidize medical professionals who are fighting at the forefront.
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