List of articles on environmental issues

Kyushu University Develops Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology

 Associate Professor Ken Tsuji of the International Research Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy, Kyushu University and others have developed a new technology for efficiently storing carbon dioxide in the ground. […]

One step toward the realization of artificial photosynthesis Succeeded in catalyst development, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, etc.

 Masaoka of the Institute for Molecular Science, Institute for Molecular Science (Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Department of Structural Molecular Science) as part of the JST Strategic Creative Research Promotion Project […]

Discovered soybean genes that are resistant to salt damage such as JIRCAS

 Japan International Research Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (JIRCAS) is a soy product in collaboration with Hokkaido University, Tohoku University and Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in China […]

Rikkyo University Holds Symposium "Challenge from 50 Birds: Future Marine Conservation Learned from Dr. Albatross"

At Rikkyo University, Hiroshi Hasegawa (Professor Emeritus, Toho University) has been instrumental in the conservation and ecological research and conservation and proliferation of albatrosses that have diminished to the brink of extinction. […]

Cooperation agreement between Kyushu University and Research Institute for Humanity and Nature

 The Decision Science Center for Sustainable Society, Kyushu University, utilizes the results of science to solve social problems, and makes a sustainable global environment and human society […].

University of Tsukuba The factors behind the decrease in precipitation in East Asia are clarified

 The research group of Professor Hiroaki Ueda of the University of Tsukuba, Department of Life and Environment, collated the results of numerical experiments using climate models with observational data, and found that the East Asian region […].

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology subsidizes heavy rain disaster investigation at Kyoto University

Due to the heavy rain disaster that struck the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is promoting disaster scale and countermeasures led by Professor Shigenobu Tanaka of Kyoto University […]

Osaka University Reduced manufacturing costs of pharmaceutical products Inexpensive and high-performance catalysts

 Professor Kazushi Mashima of Osaka University, Kazuhiko Sato, Director of Research Center for Catalytic Chemistry, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and other groups are cheap nickel […]

Kumamoto University, Kyoto University, etc. KUMADAI Magnesium alloy formation mechanism

 Kumamoto University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Nagoya University have jointly elucidated the formation mechanism of the world's strongest KUMADAI magnesium alloy.Past […]

The University of Tokyo Asia's First Marx Varenberg Award

 Marx Varenberg's award ceremony for outstanding research in the field of forest and timber science will be held on September 9th and 28th.
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