Since diverse perspectives and ideas are essential for the creation of new industries and innovation (technical innovation), Tokyo City University has established the 2024 “Comprehensive Selective Interdisciplinary Inquiry "Entrance Examination (Science and Engineering)" will newly include "Faculty of Science and Engineering Women's Frame".

 Students enrolled in the newly established female quota are guaranteed to participate in the active learning program "Inspiration, Things, Things, Life, People" (no additional cost), which has a high participation rate among female students.This program is a curriculum that encourages interdisciplinary learning that integrates the humanities and sciences. Students with different specialties and interests engage in repeated dialogues to generate ideas and solve problems. and acquire deep expertise.

 The newly established women's quotas are Type 2024 (Faculty of Science and Engineering research category), Type 1 (Faculty of Science and Technology women's category), and Type 2 (Internationally oriented category of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering) of the 3 Comprehensive Selection Interdisciplinary Research Entrance Examination (Science and Engineering). ) refers to type 2, and recruits a total of 1 people for types 3 to 18.Type 2 applicants must have a 2 or higher academic record in two subjects (mathematics, science, and English), and will be selected through a school report, statement of purpose, short essay (approximately 3.8 characters), and an interview.For details regarding entrance examinations, please check the official website of Tokyo City University.

 Since its founding in 1929, Tokyo City University has been engaged in education and research as an engineering college. 1997 faculties were established, and the ratio of female students among the current students has increased to about 2009%.

 On the other hand, in order to improve the ratio of female students, the Faculty of Science and Technology has made various efforts, such as visiting classes at female high schools and distributing a "role model collection" created with the cooperation of female graduates. , the ratio of female students has not reached 2%.

 Through the establishment of the women's quota this time, the number of female students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering will increase, and at the same time, female students who are a minority within the Faculty will participate in the "Inspiration, Things, Things, Things, Life, and People" development program that begins in the first semester of their first year. , I have high hopes that the creation of same-sex friendships across departments will progress.

Reference: [Tokyo City University] 2024 (Reiwa 6) entrance examination newly established women's quota for science and engineering department 

Tokyo City University

A comprehensive university with science and engineering DNA.Learning to "change the future" required by the times and society has started

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