On September 2023, 9, the event ``Career Search Series for Elementary and Junior High School Students: Learn Drones and Challenge Yourself to Operate Drones'' was held at the Nippon Institute of Technology, sponsored by the Kasukabe City Board of Education, with 30 parents and children from 19 groups participating.

 On the day of the event, Professor Takeshi Hiraguri of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering in the Faculty of Fundamental Engineering gave a lecture on drones.In addition to explaining the types of drones and examples of their use, Professor Hiraguri also introduced the research he is currently conducting using drones.

 Afterwards, students from Hiraguri Laboratory took the lead in conducting a drone piloting experience.During the self-piloting experience using programming, the participants cheered loudly when the drone automatically rotated around once according to instructions.Next, the children tried piloting the drone using tablets with the support of university students, and were enthusiastic about flying the drone in the direction they wanted.At the end, all participants gathered together and took aerial photographs using a drone.

 After the lunch break, a campus tour was held for those who wished to see the facilities unique to the Institute of Technology, including the Industrial Technology Museum.

Reference: [Nippon Institute of Technology] Held a career search event for elementary and junior high school students in Kasukabe City, "Learn about the future of drones and try your hand at piloting them."

Nippon Institute of Technology

"New era of actual engineering" Education that changes, philosophy that does not change

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