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Kyoto University ranked first in the university image survey "Job Hunting Ranking" from the perspective of personnel personnel

 Nikkei HR Co., Ltd. and Nikkei Inc. ask the person in charge of human resources of the company about the image of the students of each university they hired.

"Japan's most garbage-free university project" Toyo Gakuen University, student volunteers start

 At Toyo Gakuen University, six volunteer students from the Faculty of Contemporary Business Administration said, "The most garbage-free university project in Japan-Toga Kunomiraio Kaeyou- (commonly known as [...]]

2021 people make reservations in the summer of 6 "Unifes" with 119 universities nationwide participating 6/1 reservation start

 Kawaijuku is a university joint online theory that brings together 2022 popular national, public and private universities nationwide on Saturday, July 7 and Sunday, July 23, 24 […]

Nippon Institute of Technology holds "Chemistry / Environment / Bioscience School" for junior and senior high school students

 At the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Fundamental Engineering, Nippon Institute of Technology, you can experience experiments unique to the department of chemistry, environment, and biotechnology for high school and junior high school students […]

2033 18-year-old population decrease by 12.7, Recruit Advancement Research Institute

 It is estimated by Recruit Advancement Research Institute that the 2033-year-old population in 18 will drop to 2021 million, which is 12.7 less than in 101.4 […]

The Japan Association of National Universities, 7 Recommendations for University Research and International Competitiveness

 The Japan Association of National Universities is planning a "regional core and distinctive research university comprehensive promotion package […]" planned by the government to improve the research capabilities and international competitiveness of Japanese universities.

Waseda University ranked first in Japan by area ranking of "universities of interest" selected by about 1 examinees 4

 From Page Co., Ltd. is "interested [...]" in the "42 Telemail National Simultaneous Advancement Survey" conducted for about 2022 examinees.

Outstanding University Support Law enacted in the Diet, from university fund to subsidy

 The government's "Law on Strengthening the System for Research and Utilization of Research Results of the International University of Excellence" (Act on Support of the University of Excellence) has participated […]

Kyoto University, recruiting students for 1 experience-based science course "ELCAS" for high school 2st and 2022nd students

 Kyoto University has begun recruiting new students for the hands-on science course "ELCAS" for high school students, which is being held as part of high school connection and high school collaboration activities […]

"Hayabusa2" Return Capsule and Ryugu Sample Traveling Exhibition Held at Kyoto Sangyo University 11 / 9-13

 Kyoto Sangyo University announced the "Asteroid Explorer" Hayabusa 2 "Return Capsule and Ryugusan […]" announced by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
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