Telework article list

A university student with a corona virus, a company that thinks it is "stable" is characterized by "flexible working styles"

 Gakujo Co., Ltd. has conducted an Internet questionnaire on job hunting for university and graduate students scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2022 […]

Teleworking construction site, Kawada Industry and Shibaura Institute of Technology start avatar system development

Kawada Industries, Shibaura Institute of Technology (Professor Satoko Yasuko), and Kawada Technologies have the quality of the construction site while the remote operator is in the office. […]

Mynavi surveys job hunters What are "use words and news words that have become popular in 2020"?

 Mynavi Corporation has 2021 […] the results of the "Mynavi 2021 Graduation Student Employment Monitor Special Survey" for students scheduled to graduate in 20.

Employment of local students by part-time job of telework Works Applications recruits until the end of August

 Works Applications Co., Ltd. is looking for a part-time student to create and modify product manuals in the development department with complete telework […]

IT Engineer Attitude Survey Necessary to acquire "consulting ability" in Corona disaster Hosei University

 Professor Kennosuke Tanaka of the Faculty of Career Design, Hosei University and VSN, Inc. jointly conducted an "Awareness Survey on Working Styles in Corona" […]

Telework fact-finding, high usage in the Tokyo area also reduces work efficiency 

 Professor Toshihiro Okubo of the Faculty of Economics, Keio University and the NIRA National Institute for Research Advancement conducted the second telework fact-finding survey targeting workers nationwide […]

"I want to use telework" "Up to 20 hours overtime" The University of Industrial Science surveys new members of society

 The Sanno University Research Institute conducted a questionnaire for new employees who became members of society in 2020, and used the telework system and staggered commuting […]

Income declines in industries unsuitable for telework, Keio University survey with new corona

 Professor Toshihiro Okubo of the Faculty of Economics, Keio University investigated the introduction status of telework due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and found that telework […]

Strategic innovation program lags behind 7% of research with new Corona

 Of the 2 research projects participating in the second phase of the Cabinet Office's Strategic Innovation Creation Program, the impact of the spread of the new coronavirus infection […]

Tohoku University declares online administration, abolishing seal

 Tohoku University announced on June 6 that it would be an online office work.Overcome the global crisis of the spread of new coronavirus infections and enter a new era […]