Kanazawa Seiryo University Faculty of Human Sciences Department of Sports Regional Sports Management Laboratory (Nishimura Seminar) plans a Yuhidera Satoyama excursion for 6th grade students of Yuhidera Elementary School in collaboration with Kanazawa City Yuhidera Elementary School and Kanazawa City Yuhidera Area.・ Operated.
The Yuhidera Satoyama excursion is an important annual event to deepen understanding and interest by touching the rich nature, history and culture of the local Satoyama.Nishimura Seminar has been involved in this excursion with elementary schools and communities since 2020, and has been excited about it.In 2, which is the second year of the continuation, we planned a memorable excursion for sixth graders who had few school events due to the influence of the new coronavirus, incorporating the practice of ICT education (GIGA school) using tablet terminals.
In planning, the students climbed the satoyama many times and repeated meetings with the teachers of Yuhidera Elementary School and local people, and made trial and error.There were times when it wasn't well organized and it was difficult, so it seemed that I was deeply moved when I saw the happy appearance of the elementary school students on the day of the safe arrival.
This time, the second year, not only on the day of the excursion, but also a pre-learning session and an activity briefing session will be held.More than last time, elementary school students, university students, teachers, and local people were able to interact and learn together, creating memories and excitement together.
The students who participated said, "When I saw the smiles of the children on the day and the wonderful videos created by the elementary school students at the activity briefing session, I was really glad that I did my best. I wanted my family, junior high school students, and locals to know the importance and enjoyment of Satoyama. " I planned it with the desire to do it, but as a result, it became an activity that impressed and energized elementary school students. I think that being able to participate in elementary school excursions from planning is a difficult experience. I was able to have such an experience because of the cooperation of everyone at Yuhidera Elementary School and people involved in the community. Thank you very much. I will connect what I learned and experienced in this activity to the future. I would like to go. "