Kanda University of International Studies will hold an "Iftar" dinner with commentary from the NPO Nippon Asia Halal Association from June to July 2016 during Ramadan.Deepen understanding of different cultures by providing halal food and giving lectures in accordance with Islamic rules.

 Ramadan (Note 2016) will be held among Muslims around the world for 6 days from June 6th to July 7th, 5.As the number of Islamic tourists increases rapidly, especially in Southeast Asia, the event will be held at the time of Ramadan for the purpose of understanding different cultures through the provision of halal food and lectures.

 The dinner party will be held on June 2016, 6, and July 18, 25 at the student cafeteria "Shokujin" of Kanda University of International Studies from 7:2 after sunset.Four Asian language students and two Indonesian international students explained Ramadan, Iftar, and Udu, a water purification plant for Islam, and then introduced the first meal "Iftar" after sunset.We provide halal food that cooks ingredients that comply with the rules without using pork or alcohol.In addition, Mr. Saeed Actor, Chairman of the Nippon Asia Halal Association, will give a lecture on Ramadan and Iftar.

 The student cafeteria "Shokujin" was established with the concept of "a place to learn Asian language and culture" through food that is especially indispensable for humans.For the first time in a domestic student cafeteria, we obtained the "Muslim Friendly Halal Certificate" from the Japan Asian Halal Association. From September 2014, it is open to the public only on Saturdays and Sundays.
(Note 1) A fasting month in which Muslims around the world stop eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset.

Kanda University of International Studies

We develop professional and practical lessons.Fostering truly international people

At Kanda University of International Studies, you can acquire not only language skills but also "communication skills," "intercultural understanding," and "international culture" to understand each other and realize a peaceful world.Taking the ability to understand and accept different cultures as the basis of "education", we explored from various angles from classes to events, and this […]

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