Article list of comprehensive selection

Hokkaido University "Frontier Entrance Examination", Faculty of Science and Engineering hold additional online information sessions

 Hokkaido University will hold an additional online briefing session for the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering for the implementation of the comprehensive selection "2022 Frontier Entrance Examination". 20 […]

Nara Women's University Faculty of Engineering (under construction), application for inquiry ability entrance examination "Q" scheduled to start from September

 In April 2022, the first department of engineering in the history of Japanese women's colleges will be established at Nara Women's University (under construction).In the Faculty of Engineering, together […]

Saitama Institute of Technology holds summer school for high school students 54 courses in total in all departments

 Saitama Institute of Technology will set up a summer school for high school students in all faculties and departments from June 2021th (Sun) to September 6 […]

2020 new students at private universities, more than half are comprehensive selection or recommendation

 According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the number of comprehensive selections and recommendations is increasing in the entrance examinations for universities and junior colleges conducted in 2019.Especially private universities […]

Online interview for university entrance exams, request for improvement by National Association of High School Directors

 The National Association of High School Chiefs is responsible for the students if there is a communication disconnection during the online interview for university entrance exams that started in the fall.

"Eikei University" to open in April 2021 University admission common test is not used

 Prefectural University of Hiroshima, a public university corporation, applied to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on October 2020, 10 from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on October 23, 2019. […]

Kayak jointly developed "Brest Entrance Exam" with Takasaki University of Commerce and introduced it in 2021

 Takasaki University of Commerce and KAYAC Inc. jointly collaborate on a training-type new entrance examination that connects the abilities required by society with university education and high school education.

2021 Entrance Examination, Announcement of corona countermeasures from each university on the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has summarized the measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection and consideration for conducting the tests that each university will implement in the 2021 entrance examination.

Keio University changes "Schedule" and "Second selection" for 2021 FIT entrance examination

 Keio University has partially changed the "Faculty of Law FIT Entrance Examination (Comprehensive Selection)" in 2021 due to the influence of the new coronavirus infection […]

Jissen Women's University puts "Implementation-type selection" Phase I examinations in October online

 Jissen Women's University and Jissen Women's University Junior College have been selected for the 2021 enrollment in the "comprehensive selection [...]" due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection.