Students studying marketing at the Faculty of Business Administration at Otemon Gakuin University will link a ryokan in Kumamoto Prefecture, where there are no local souvenirs, with a food company that is struggling to secure a sales channel. are making efforts to On October 2022, 10, a progress report meeting was held at Higo Bank in Osaka City.

 This initiative has been underway since June 3 as part of marketing thinking and practice by 19 third-year students who are studying in Professor Park Shuhyun's seminar (marketing theory). , It was realized because it overlapped with the screening of the movie "MINAMATA" set in Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture.Minamata City is no exception to the impact of the new coronavirus, and in order to spread throughout the country the "heartwarming feeling that I felt when visiting Minamata City" and the "new charm of Minamata" through the movie, This is set to expand the exchange population of Minamata City.We are active as a regional revitalization project team in Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture.

 The partners that the students have developed through repeated online meetings and field surveys are Yunokoumi and Yuyake, a hotel famous for its sunset over the Shiranui Sea (Yatsushiro Sea) in Kumamoto Prefecture, and a traditional food that produces tofu, a local specialty. Company "Itsukiya Honpo". "Yunoko Sea and Yuyake" is attractive enough to be selected as one of "Japan's Top XNUMX Sunsets", but there are no local souvenirs that can appeal to guests, so "Itsukiya Honpo" seeks to expand its sales channels. During.In order to solve each other's problems, we planned and proposed the commercialization of baked donuts made from tofu.

 The baked donut is named "Sunset" with the theme of Yunoko Onsen and Shiranui Sea.Furthermore, by using Glocal Crowdfunding, an affiliated company of Higo Bank, we aimed not only for fundraising for commercialization but also for advertising effects.As a return gift, not only baked donuts but also a set of ryokan use tickets are prepared to make people want to come to Minamata City.

 In addition, they are sharing their activities and the appeal of Minamata on social media. At the progress report meeting held on October 10, Ryota Hara, one of the student representatives, said, "We saw Minamata City with our own eyes. There was a spectacular view of a beautiful and calm sunset in the area.I want to give the whole country the impression that Minamata is a region with a new charm, instead of confining Minamata to the image of pollution."

 Crowdfunding is calling for support with a goal of 2022 yen until the end of December 12. On November 70th (Friday), we plan to announce the results to those involved in the university at Otemon Gakuin University (Aui Campus).

Reference: [Otemon Gakuin University] Product development by Otemon Gakuin University x Higo Bank x Ryokan x food company, expansion of exchange population Collaboration with Kumamoto Prefecture companies in marketing and Kurafan 

Otemon Gakuin University

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