The Japan Science and Technology Agency has selected eight new projects, including Osaka University and Doshisha University, as 2023 projects for the university-based new industry creation fund project.The project aims to foster startup companies with high corporate value by assigning human resources with commercialization know-how, such as venture capital, to university R&D as promoters and integrating R&D and business development.

 According to the Japan Science and Technology Agency, Osaka University's selected project is ``Commercialization of an artificial ribosome platform for next-generation artificial peptide proteins,'' which is being promoted by Professor Wataru Aoki of the Graduate School of Engineering.Promoted by venture capital firm ANRI, the project will commercialize unique synthetic biology technology that can freely modify ribosomes and create artificial peptide proteins that can be applied to industry.

 The project selected by Doshisha University is ``Development of the world's first antidote for carbon monoxide poisoning and other antidotes for gas poisoning using this technology'' conducted by Professor Hiroaki Kitagishi of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.Bio Cyto Capital, a public and private company that fosters entrepreneurs, is acting as a promoter and will develop an antidote using a compound that combines with carbon monoxide in the blood and is excreted in the urine.

 In addition, research from the University of Tsukuba, Chiba University, Juntendo University, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, and Saga University was selected.

reference:[Japan Science and Technology Agency] Decision on new projects to be adopted in 2023 for university-originated new industry creation fund project project promotion type entrepreneurship demonstration support (PDF)

Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

Osaka University

The "true value" of each person becomes the "evolution" of Osaka University.To a university that lives in the community and extends to the world

Osaka University is a research-based university with 11 faculties and 23 departments. Since its founding in 1931, with the motto of "living in the region and extending to the world," we have created an outstanding "foundation" and "power" that weaves advanced education and research capabilities, the harmony of faculty and staff, and the weight of tradition and the advantage of Osaka. I have.Taking advantage of these excellent potentials […]

University of Tsukuba

Continue to challenge interdisciplinary fusion and internationalization, and develop human resources with intelligence and humanity

University of Tsukuba is the core of Tsukuba Science City, an international city with a high academic and cultural scent.The current education system is 9 groups, 23 classes, and it is possible to take specialized introductory courses from all fields, aiming to have creative intelligence and rich humanity.Solving global issues with soul genius […]

Chiba University

Fostering human resources who will open up the next generation.To a future-oriented university that shines in the world

Chiba University has 10 faculties, 7 graduate schools / faculties, and a large number of affiliated facilities, and has specialized knowledge and skills, high problem-solving ability, high intelligence, ethical standards, and rich humanity, and has an interdisciplinary perspective. We aim to develop human resources who can play an active role internationally.Actively promote the enhancement of liberal arts education and the internationalization of educational activities, which are the basis of this […]

Kyushu University

A university that creates "comprehensive knowledge" that opens up the future and drives social change

Kyushu University is a comprehensive university with 12 faculties and 19 graduate schools.We have been designated as a "designated national university corporation" that can develop outstanding education and research activities of the world's highest level and become an international base.Through “comprehensive knowledge” that combines the “knowledge” of the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, and design that we have accumulated so far […]

Doshisha University

Inherit the "conscience of a country".One ambition and striving for the next generation

In 1875, Doshisha English School, the predecessor of Doshisha University, was founded by Joseph Hardy Neesima. We have practiced conscience education with the educational principles of "Christianity," "liberalism," and "internationalism."The virtue of loving the truth and making humanity serious, the spirit of respecting individuality and valuing each person, the power to grasp the world from a broad perspective, these […]

Saga University

Aspirations, challenges, and the future.Foster attractive human resources who can play an active role in a diversifying future

Saga University is a national university that was established in 1949 with the former Saga University established in 1976 and the Saga Medical University established in 2004 as the parent body. It has 6 faculties and 6 graduate schools, and about 5,800 undergraduate students are enrolled.Along with acquiring knowledge in specialized fields, a wide range of education, cooperation with others, and independent learning […]

Juntendo University

Co-creating a new era with the keywords "sports" and "health"

A traditional school founded 186 years ago. It is a comprehensive health university consisting of nine faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical Nursing, Faculty of Health Nursing, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health Data Science, and Faculty of Pharmacy, five graduate schools, and six affiliated hospitals. With the opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy in April 9, it is becoming even more […]

University Journal Online Editor

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Articles are written by editorial staff who have a high level of knowledge and interest in universities and education.